Saturday, April 11, 2015

Welcome to Exmouth!

Finally arrived at Exmouth!

Managed to make my way to the Novotel Ningaloo Resort and checked in. Met my room-mate, Joel who, from what I understand, is going to be the guest chef at Wilderness Island. Met up with Scott Coghlan as well and had a chat with him. He said he has been to the Island the last 3 days and they have caught some nice fish like big Groupers, Queenfish and Long-Tail Tuna. I'm getting excited!

We made a plan to meet up for dinner at a local pub and also to meet up with the rest of the anglers who will be going on this trip. Since we had some time on our hands before dinner, Joel decided to grab a rod and go for a quick fish at a rockwall just behind the hotel. I followed him with my camera only.

View from the rockwall

The water was pretty clear and I could see some fish chasing down the lures that Joel was casting. 3-4 cast later and he was hooked up with a fish! It was a small Brassy Trevally and was duly released.

Next cast, he hooked up a Queenfish!

I couldn't take it anymore and wanted IN on the action! I quickly ran back to the hotel and rigged up my light spinning gear, grabbed a few small lures and headed back to the rockwall.

While I was gone, Joel caught a few more Queenfish. I started casting a brown little diver lure. As it was a bit windy, I couldn't get the lure out very far. I had a few hits, but didn't hook up. Then just as I was reeling the lure nearer to cast again, my lure was hit. It was a small fella and I quickly brought him up for a photo. It's a small Yellowfin Bream.

I changed to a micro jig and began casting a bit further. The water was pretty shallow and the tide was going down. A few jigs later, I was hooked up again. Small fish again and it was a Yellowtail Grunter.

The next few casts had a few fish following the jig back and I managed to hook a small Bream. Just as I was going to hoist it out of the water, out came this black shadow from a nearby rock and attempted to eat my Bream! Somehow, the shock of seeing the shadow made my Bream shake off from the hook and escape. The shadow was still hanging around and I could make it out as a Grouper. Joel decided to try and hook him and hook him he did. Right in front of us! These fish are not shy at all!

30 mins later, we decided to head back to the room for a shower and get ready for dinner. Can't believe the fishing is sooo good so near shore. I wonder how is it going to be like in the open water!!

During dinner, we met up with the rest of the anglers; Scott, Brett with wife Carmel, Duncan, Wayne and Herman. Apparently, there's another 3 guys already at the Island on extended stay. Seems that only 2-3 of us are the newbies. The plan was check out of the hotel tomorrow and depending on the wind, head to the marina to board a boat to transfer us to the Island.

Can't wait to get over there!

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