Friday, July 21, 2017

Changi Ah Fong Trip #8 - Sea-sick day

After a few months without fishing, I went on board Ah Fong's boat. Just came back in the morning as well so was a bit tired. Boarded the boat and off we went. I tried to catch a nap on the way to the fishing spot. When we finally reached, I realized that we were outside Changi Naval base area. The winds were pretty strong and the boat was rocking! I quickly popped my sea-sick pills. Too late....

Was feeling nauseous but still started fishing. It was a quiet morning with a few bites from other anglers. 1hr in and I couldn't take it anymore. Decided to stop fishing and take a nap.

Woke up from my nap with shouts of fish hookups! At this stage, the boat was next to a tanker and the water was less choppy. An angler had just hooked up an Ang Kuey so I dropped my rig over.

Soon I had a bite too. I let it take the line a bit more before striking. FISH ON! Not a very big fella but good fight. Came up was also a nice table-sized Ang Kuey.

We shifted a few spots and finally I was feeling a bit better.

Next bite was rather subtle. I free-spooled the line a bit then the fella dashed off. Strike and FISH ON! This fella was giving a good account for itself and was fighting all the way to the surface. It even gave a few final spurts under the boat! Finally, managed to lift it out and it was nice 1kg Ang Chor.

Just after lunchtime, I had another bite and was rather easy to reel up. It was a Grouper which actually was not hooked at all. It just had the big prawn lodged tightly in its mouth!

3 fishes for the trip was a good haul for me. One lucky angler had a good day with 2 XL Groupers and 5 other good sized fish.

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